Zelovics Péter vagyok postagalambok tenyésztése és versenyeztetése a hobbim

Postagalamb gyűrű gyűjtő is vagyok


My name is Peter Zelovics and I would like to introduce myself and my hobby.
I live  in Mór, County Fejér, Hungary and I have a very special hobby. Mór is situated near Budapest and Székesfehérvár, it is a lovely, nice and little town in the Vértes Mountain.
My hobby is racing and breeding Homing Pigeons. And I have another really special hobby: collecting homing pigeon rings.
I love collecting rings from many different countries.

I hope I can collect more and more rings from all over the world by using the internet.

If you are a collector or want to get some rings, don't hesitate to drop me a couple of lines and we can make contacts on the internet easily.

Write to me and I am going to answer you:

Enjoy visiting my webpage.


Weblap látogatottság számláló:

Mai: 2
Tegnapi: 2
Heti: 16
Havi: 22
Össz.: 126 074

Látogatottság növelés
Zelovics Péter vagyok postagalambok tenyésztése és versenyeztetése a hobbim - © 2008 - 2025 - zelopigeonrings.hupont.hu

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